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Friday, January 05, 2007


Hi Brandon, you should send the permalink of this lovely post to Ilva at Lucullian delights. She is doing a round up of food bloggers kitchen.

It's a really beautiful kitchen, definitely for a grown-up woman!

Such beautiful, insightful writing is such a gift to your readers. Thank you Brandon.

A pleasure to read, Brandon. Change is inevitable. I never knew the old kitchen, but I grieve for it with you. I bet you can find the comfort it gave you lurking somewhere in the shadows of the new one.

I love this post. Very nice writing!

This is a really lovely post. Thank you for sharing your kitchen, and more, with us.

Thank you--everyone.

Lovely post. I have a house built in 1912, so I can relate to a some of what you write about that, and once when I was in New Orleans I experienced that same sort of feeling of anguish about lost youth, but I must say I never missed my old kitchen for a minute!

hey yours is good and tells you pets are welcome too.

Absolutely beautiful post. Thanks so much for sharing your "new" kitchen and your life. Take care.

Chic kitchen for a chic grown up woman~ do we ever really grow up? I hope not!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful kitchen and your beautiful life.

I inherited my kitchen--well, the house--from my grandma and I honestly don't want to change anything till I felt that it's sort of collapsing right before my eyes. And so we just renovated everything, actually copying how the kitchen looked like before, and used a leatherette bar stool.

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