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Friday, August 31, 2007


What a wonderful post! I am lucky to deliver a post from beautiful downtown Nellysford, VA, so I live vicariously through bloggers like yourselves who take us all around the world with you. I love the pictures of the church!

Wow! What an incredible culinary work of art. I love to cook and it would be grand if you could grab some of those recipes:-))


WOW! You are in my home town of Xudan. What an awesome surprise. I hope it was fun. I have felt the wonderful pain of being completely stuffed at one of those 5 hours meals.

I cannot believe someone from Xudan read my post about my visit! My husband's family (as you've probably gathered) lives in and around Taramundi. It was a wonderful,magical trip and Xudan is just lovely.

I love Taramundi. I went to see a museum there that had a lot of old stuff that I grew up with...brought a lot of memories. I also collected a load of chestnuts. Will there be any more visits to Xudan :)

These look great! I recently read a recipe in Bon Appetit that added a huge pat of butter to the inside of a burger! I'm glad to see something that doesn't rely on so much fat for flavor, haha.

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