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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


i picked up "grub" at a local market and have really enjoyed it. thanks for giving it a shout-out. it is excellent to see a follower to "diet for a small planet."

thanks for the heads-up. Am reading Barbara Kingsolver's latest, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle- its a great read- a como of family drama and organic farming. Alice Water's new book on seasonal cooking just came out this week as well.

Lots of eating and reading to do !

This book has been on my shelf for a year and I haven't given it much time at all. Thanks for reminding me to take another look. I swear you and me should do a cookbook swap sometime.

Need all the inspiration I can get when it comes to going green. With so many things to do on this planet its tough to know where to begin....great blog...Di

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